Here we come…2016

Dear friends and family;
I’m back-spacing my usual typos as I listen to a Capitol Steps file @
      As a green mountain boy; I loved Bernie Sanders’ character comment, about two great Vermonters named Ben & Jerry.
Allow me to reflect on a year that was (with lifelines from the WS Journal, Dave Barry, and yes – Karl Rove).
1. Wall Street numbers ended flat.
We were waiting to follow the Fed and worried about China for a whole year ?!
2. Animal Rights organizations were incensed about a New Year’s Eve possum drop in Brasstown, North Carolina.
Really? Times Square can’t hold everyone . . .
3. Big oil and commodities will rebound (someday).
We’re told that housing already has rebounded more than King Lebron James.
Note to self:  watch “The Big Short.”
4. Karl Rove reminds us that great men of faith died in 2015.
He also asserted that far too many first responders perished in their lines of duty.
5. Dave Barry wrote: ‘a drone crashes on the White House lawn and becomes a leading contender for the Republican nomination’. . . and, ‘suddenly the clear leader in Iowa and New Hampshire for both parties, is QB Tom Brady. The scary part is that wouldn’t be so bad.’
6. Business leaders came and went, including the long-serving CISCO CEO, John Chambers.
I’m impressed that he succeeded, like other business leaders, with learning disabilities.
7. It was hard to overlook sports, from the awesome book/movie “CONCUSSION”, to the Spartans of Michigan State victories in several games with 0:00 left on the game clocks.
As my men of Troy fared poorly (USC) on the gridiron, I’m rooting for the men of Sparta on January 11th!
8. We San Diegans heard that our Chargers may sleep with the enemy (Raiders) in a new LA sports venue…
9. Mother Nature was cruel for our country’s heartland on the first days of Christmas, 2015.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those who carry on after their tragic personal and property losses.
10. Yogi – you are so missed.
Your philosophic phrases are the right stuff of legend, as were your exploits behind the pinstripe plate.
“Damn Yankee”, says this Mets fan.
Back to our future:
What a year awaits us.
Here’s to our democratic process, however messy.
Here’s to El Nino: we are excited about the High Sierra snow pack, which is already 36 percent above normal (not that we westerners have seen “normal” in recent years). That said, how long can I tread water if this is an el “uber” nino.
Here’s to our men and women of extraordinary faith.
Here’s to our present and future business leaders, and their subordinates, who make our version of free markets what it is.
Here’s to our first responders and military men/women.
And here’s to you.
Be well, ​

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